Spring Has Sprung!

What an amazing couple of weeks this has been!  Since May 6, when I started with a wonderful virtual reading to the Tumble Tots with the Niagara on the Lake Librarian, through until the readings today, May 21 with students from St. Michael’s School with their teachers, I have done a total of 14 virtual readings to students around Ontario!   I have 3 more readings planned for next week already, and can’t wait, this has been so rewarding!

I feel so blessed to have shared the Sir Archibald Droolsalot stories with so many students.  They were all so full of interest, questions and comments – it was absolutely amazing and so meaningful to me as an author.

At this point I must say that teachers have now had to become IT experts and the students are so familiar with their computers that they will soon be streets ahead of their seniors!

Thank you to all the many students who have listened to the stories, given their feedback and compliments and shared stories of their own dogs, cats and writings.

The biggest thank you of all goes to the teachers who have organized times and dates for the readings and take such an interest in their students.  They are truly dedicated.